Setting up the MATLAB engine for Python

1 minute read


You can run MATLAB commands in Python using the MATLAB Engine API for Python. This page documents what I’ve learned about the process of setting it up.

Compatible versions of MATLAB & Python

NOTE: This only works on Windows so far with MATLAB R2021b.

NOTE 2: MATLAB & Python must both be 64 bit. They must have the “same architecture”

From here:


1. Download MATLAB

If not already done. Take note of the version! e.g. R2021b.

2. Download Python

I highly recommend Python 3.9.0 from here: This version of Python is most widely compatible with recent versions of MATLAB. Select the “Windows x86-64 executable installer”. Be sure to add it to the PATH when installing!

3. Install MATLAB Engine API for Python

In the folder for the project, create and activate a virtual environment with VSCode (Ctrl+Shift+P and select “Python: Create Environment”).

Select the Python 3.9.0 interpreter (mine was located at: “C:\Users\Mitchell\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe”) or another compatible Python version.

Then, in the Terminal, with the venv activated, run:

For MATLAB R2021b: python -m pip install matlabengine==9.11.19

For MATLAB R2023a: python -m pip install matlabengine==9.14.6

For MATLAB R2023b: python -m pip install matlabengine==23.2.3

For MATLAB R2024a: python -m pip install matlabengine==24.1.2

4. In MATLAB, run:


From here:



import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
n_output_vars = 1 # The number of output variables
varargout = eng.myfcn(varargin, nargout = n_output_vars)

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